How to Reverse Type 2 Diabetes
OK, so you have Type 2 diabetes and the first thing your doctor did was put you on medication...but what if you don't like that diagnosis and you want to change things? Well, there's no cure for diabetes and no way to completely get rid of it. However , diabetes can be reversed in most people. Reversing diabetes means carefully managing blood sugars to a point where medications are no longer necessary, and staying at that manageable point through a healthy routine of diet and exercise. Reversing Type 2 diabetes involves making significant lifestyle changes aimed at improving blood sugar control and overall health. While Type 2 diabetes is a chronic condition, research suggests that it can be managed effectively, and in some cases, even reversed, particularly in its early stages or when diagnosed early. Here's what we know about how to potentially reverse Type 2 diabetes: Weight Loss: Losing excess weight, especially around the abdomen, can significantly improve insulin sen...